Education & Training Resources

Education & Training Resources
red covered bridge

Improving health and health for all in New Hampshire... 



We are committed to the pursuit and the dissemination of knowledge.

Explore our library of available resources, which includes evidence-based quality improvement tools and templates, past presentations, and publications addressing identified needs.

cover page of quality improvement workbook


Resource Year Topic Type
Collaborative for Advancing Rural Excellence and Equity (CARE2) Annual Report: Evaluation Highlights
The Collaborative for Advancing Rural Excellence and Equity (CARE2) is a federally funded five-year program with the UNH ECHO Hub in collaboration…
2023 Telehealth/Project ECHO Report
Lessons learned from a multiagency community mental health centre quality improvement learning collaborative in New Hampshire
Community mental health centres in the US often struggle to implement the evidenced-based metrics and measurement processes required for quality…
2023 Behavioral Health/Substance Use, Quality Improvement, Workforce & Training Report
Investing in Primary Care: Advancing Nursing Education Workforce
Primary health care faces significant workforce challenges, particularly in care for vulnerable populations and in underserved areas. The University…
2023 Payment & Policy, Workforce & Training Report
New Hampshire Child and Teen Mental Health: An Analysis and Comparison of 2019-2020 Healthcare Claims Data
This report builds on the work of the New Hampshire Children and Teens Experiencing Mental Health Disorders: An Analysis of 2019 Healthcare Claims…
2022 Behavioral Health/Substance Use, Pediatric Report
Chronic Pain Self-Management Project ECHO Series: Evaluation Highlights
The Chronic Pain Self-Management ECHO was formed to provide educational content and a networking opportunity for those in rural New Hampshire and New…
2022 Chronic Care/Chronic Disease, Telehealth/Project ECHO Report
Facilitating a Quality Improvement Approach to Childhood Adversity Screening in Primary Care: A Handbook
The purpose of this handbook is to initiate a process to screen for and respond to Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).
2022 Quality Improvement Report
A Guide to Trauma-Informed Pediatric Primary Care
This is a practical guide to implementing trauma-informed care practices in Pediatric primary care clinics.
2022 Pediatric Report
New Hampshire Children and Teens Experiencing Mental Health Disorders: An Analysis of 2019 Healthcare Claims Data
MCAP funded this analysis of 2019 pediatric medical and pharmacy claims data from commercial and NH Medicaid payers.
2022 Behavioral Health/Substance Use, Pediatric Report
Quality Improvement in Integrated Care Lesson Guide
View the Quality Improvement in Integrated Care module and walk through the training on the basics of quality improvement in health care.
2021 Quality Improvement, Workforce & Training
Quality Improvement in Integrated Care, Part 1 of the 9-part series: "What is health care Quality Improvement?"
Watch Part 1 of the 9-part in the training module, focusing on "What is health care Quality Improvement?"
2021 Quality Improvement, Workforce & Training Video
Quality Improvement in Integrated Care, Part 2 of the 9-part series: "How do you IDENTIFY and PRIORITIZE a Quality Improvement opportunity?"
Watch Part 2 of the 9-part in the training module, focusing on "How do you IDENTIFY and PRIORITIZE a Quality Improvement opportunity?"
2021 Quality Improvement, Workforce & Training Video
Quality Improvement in Integrated Care, Part 3 of the 9-part series: "What are the COMMON BARRIERS to Quality Improvement?"
Watch Part 3 of the 9-part in the training module, focusing on "What are the COMMON BARRIERS to Quality Improvement?"
2021 Quality Improvement, Workforce & Training Video
Quality Improvement in Integrated Care, Part 4 of the 9-part series: "WHO is needed to implement a Quality Improvement initiative?".
Watch Part 4 of the 9-part in the training module, focusing on "WHO is needed to implement a Quality Improvement initiative?"
2021 Quality Improvement, Workforce & Training Video
Quality Improvement in Integrated Care, Part 5 of the 9-part series: "What RESOURCES do you need to implement a Quality Improvement initiative?"
Watch Part 5 of the 9-part in the training module, focusing on "What RESOURCES do you need to implement a Quality Improvement initiative?"
2021 Quality Improvement, Workforce & Training Presentation
Quality Improvement in Integrated Care, Part 6 of the 9-part series: "How do you set GOALS for Quality Improvement?"
Watch Part 6 of the 9-part in the training module, focusing on "How do you set GOALS for Quality Improvement?"
2021 Quality Improvement, Workforce & Training Video
Quality Improvement in Integrated Care, Part 7 of the 9-part series: "How you MEASURE Quality Improvement?"
Watch Part 7 of the 9-part in the Quality Improvement in Integrated Care training module, focusing on "How you MEASURE Quality Improvement?"
2021 Quality Improvement, Workforce & Training Video
Quality Improvement in Integrated Care, Part 8 of the 9-part series: "How do you IMPLEMENT Quality Improvement?"
Watch Part 8 of the 9-part in the training module, focusing on "How do you IMPLEMENT Quality Improvement?"
2021 Quality Improvement, Workforce & Training Video
Quality Improvement in Integrated Care, Part 9 of the 9-part series: "How do you SUSTAIN Quality Improvement ?"
Watch Part 9 of the 9-part in the training module, focusing on "How do you SUSTAIN Quality Improvement?"
2021 Quality Improvement, Workforce & Training Video
NH Citizens Health Initiative Symposium 2021 Panel Discussion: Navigating the pandemic: Identifying Opportunities for Transformation
Watch the 2021 NH Citizens Health Initiative's Symposium Keynote discussing lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic.
2021 Payment & Policy, Telehealth/Project ECHO, Workforce & Training Video
NH Citizens Health Initiative Symposium 2021 Keynote: Priorities for post-COVID-19 public health practice, re-search, and education
Watch the 2021 NH Citizens Health Initiative's Symposium Keynote discussing pressing concerns that emerge from COVID-19.
2021 Chronic Care/Chronic Disease Video