
Resource Year Topic Type
Collaborative for Advancing Rural Excellence and Equity (CARE2) Annual Report: Evaluation Highlights
The Collaborative for Advancing Rural Excellence and Equity (CARE2) is a federally funded five-year program with the UNH ECHO Hub in collaboration…
2023 Telehealth/Project ECHO Report
Lessons learned from a multiagency community mental health centre quality improvement learning collaborative in New Hampshire
Community mental health centres in the US often struggle to implement the evidenced-based metrics and measurement processes required for quality…
2023 Behavioral Health/Substance Use, Quality Improvement, Workforce & Training Report
Investing in Primary Care: Advancing Nursing Education Workforce
Primary health care faces significant workforce challenges, particularly in care for vulnerable populations and in underserved areas. The University…
2023 Payment & Policy, Workforce & Training Report
New Hampshire Child and Teen Mental Health: An Analysis and Comparison of 2019-2020 Healthcare Claims Data
This report builds on the work of the New Hampshire Children and Teens Experiencing Mental Health Disorders: An Analysis of 2019 Healthcare Claims…
2022 Behavioral Health/Substance Use, Pediatric Report
Chronic Pain Self-Management Project ECHO Series: Evaluation Highlights
The Chronic Pain Self-Management ECHO was formed to provide educational content and a networking opportunity for those in rural New Hampshire and New…
2022 Chronic Care/Chronic Disease, Telehealth/Project ECHO Report
Facilitating a Quality Improvement Approach to Childhood Adversity Screening in Primary Care: A Handbook
The purpose of this handbook is to initiate a process to screen for and respond to Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).
2022 Quality Improvement Report
A Guide to Trauma-Informed Pediatric Primary Care
This is a practical guide to implementing trauma-informed care practices in Pediatric primary care clinics.
2022 Pediatric Report
New Hampshire Children and Teens Experiencing Mental Health Disorders: An Analysis of 2019 Healthcare Claims Data
MCAP funded this analysis of 2019 pediatric medical and pharmacy claims data from commercial and NH Medicaid payers.
2022 Behavioral Health/Substance Use, Pediatric Report
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Survey Report
This report analyzes responses to understand practice patterns, comfort level, and support needs relative to treating pediatric patients with ADHD.
2017 Other Report
Evaluation Report: NH Multi-Stakeholder Medical Home Pilot
Nine pilot sites were analyzed to value, prescribe, and reward medical care of superior quality & efficiency.
2013 Other Report